Saturday, July 14, 2007

I know I know...

So I already know that it has been two months since I have started this darn blog and this is only my second post.... I dont really have any readers so I am struggling to take the energy to write... I do want to share some projects that I have been working in the last two months...

First: Bamboo Scarf, just a simple scarf knit with two contrasting colors of 100% bamboo. This was a delight to work with and I wish that my yarn budget allowed me to work with it more oftern!

Second: Faith's baby blanket. This was just a simple quick knit, but I love the colors. There is a very subtle basketweaving.

So that is about it for all. I am hoping that soon I will be able to post pics of all of the othe baby knitting that I have done, and the Mystery Stole!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bamboo scarf is lovely. The colors make me feel calm just looking at them.

I also love your color choice for MS3--so rich and warm, and the pattern shows up nicely.