Friday, October 28, 2011

Passing the Art

A co-worker and friend of mine, Nicole, asked me to teach her to knit.  I was thrilled with the idea.  I think that the fiber arts are a great skill.  Because of its resurgence among my generation, I am happy to see a new appreciation for the hand-made and craftsmanship.  I gave Nicole a shopping list consisting of needles and yarn and away she went.

Nicole came into work this morning with a spring in her step and a bag of goodies in her hand.  She was very excited for her first knitting lesson at lunch time.  Right away at lunch we started with tying a slip knot and casting on some foundation stitches.  With some awkwardness in her hands she watched as I demonstrated a step a couple times and she attempted to replicate. Very quickly her clumsiness changed to fluid movements as the muscles in her hands repeated the same motions.  Nicole was giddy with excitement about knitting her very first swatch. She even laughed as she stumbled for the first time, her needle splitting the fibers of her yarn.  "I can't talk and knit at the same time", she exclaimed... A battle that many new knitters have.. She will be taking home my copy of "Stitch n Bitch".  This is the book that I used to teach myself to knit and I know that she will appreciate the humor or the writing. 

Watching her learn and her excitement is contagious!  I am looking forward to her continued learning and growth..  Next thing you know... she will be Purling!!!

1 comment:

Em said...

Aww she looks like a real student!