Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Work In Progress

So here goes... I have been pestered by a few people to start a blog dedicated to the knitting that I am doing.... so to appease the masses I have decided to comply. Hopefully now you all will be quiet and let me knit peacefully!

Right now I feel as though I have a million different projects OTN. There is the green lace shrug, the broadripple socks, the zeebee bag, rainbow socks, and a pillow. I am also starting another project as I am now enlisted in a dish cloth swap! I know... I am crazy. But I must say.. I feel as though I have learned a lot in the past two months and I am no longer just knitting rectangles anymore!
I am hoping that tomorrow, the sun will be out and I will be able to take some pictures of the recently completed projects!!!!

Ahh... the masses are quiet! Now back to my knitting!